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Book highligthed in the IOCCG newsletter

Our book was highlighted in the IOCCG News of August/2017. (

Here is what they wrote:

Another new publication is a book edited by Mishra, Ogashawara and Gitelson entitled “Bio-optical Modeling and Remote Sensing of Inland Waters “. The book presents the latest developments, state-of-the-art, and future perspectives of bio-optical modeling for each optically active component of inland waters, providing a broad range of applications of water quality monitoring using remote sensing. Rather than discussing optical radiometry theories, the authors explore the applications of these theories to inland aquatic environments.

The book not only covers applications, but also discusses new possibilities, making the bio-optical theories operational, a concept that is of great interest to both government and private sector organizations. Early chapters introduce the concepts of bio-optical modeling and the classification of bio-optical models and satellite capabilities both in existence and in development. Later chapters target specific optically active components (OACs) for inland waters and present the current status and future direction of bio-optical modeling for the OACs. Concluding sections provide an overview of a governance strategy for global monitoring of inland waters based on earth observation and bio-optical modeling. For more information, click on the book cover to the right to view the various chapters, or read the abstracts of each chapters on ScienceDirect.

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